Finally, the awaited oceans traced their lost inhabitants and the mango trees gleefully fed the tree sparrows. And now with pride, the sky opened its arms to the infinity.
It was indeed a joyful period and the most unforgettable phase of those eighteen years of my existence.
A city that never slept, spent its days in wide awakeness of that unheard silence. The place where buzzing horns and screeching cars dominated our pleasant mornings; was now transformed into the one where each day began with a scarlet sunrise and the chirpings of those birds that had migrated long ago. Mornings that taught me how blissful can be a cup of coffee with the family who I'd thought I knew!
It was a phase that unleashed the real demarcation of the four parts of a day. An afternoon where lunch lasted for more than an hour, with endless arguments over video calls. Evenings that always meant to be with friends at the gym turned out into prolonged discussions with parents about the realities of life. Surprisingly, they have modern ideologies and a better sense of humour than us!
Since after growing up so quickly, it was only the relaxed supper led by a game of rummy that made me realise that a day offers 86400 seconds, which was certainly a good time to challenge my productivity. But most remarkable were those mid-nights that ranged from thriller movies and assignment completions to romantic novels and nostalgic tracks.
On the contrary, there were families whose traits disappeared completely from this planet under the wake of that pandemic. It was an inevitable suffering of humanity and fatal revenge of nature to restore its balance. Finally, the awaited oceans traced their lost inhabitants and the mango trees gleefully fed the tree sparrows. And now with pride, the sky opened its arms to the infinity.
It was a sequence where the creation gradually healed itself and enjoyed watching us locked down deep within. Yes, it was the Quarantine period; joyful for nature and unforgettable for mankind!
- Tanya Arora